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Party Planning
When the time comes to plan a Casino Night, Casino Theme Party or a Monte Carlo Night there are numerous things to consider. Dealers Choice Casinos is able and would be happy to assist you with the planning of the details for your event. Listed below are several important items to keep in mind when planning your Casino Night or Casino Party.
Number of Guests
The number of guests for the event will determine the number of gaming tables necessary which, in turn, dictates the amount of space required. It is also possible to work backwards, from the amount of space you have. This means that the amount of space at the venue would relate to the number and size of tables that you can have at your event. That will also give you the maximum number of guests that can be entertained at your event or party.
Gaming Tables
On average, between 65%-75% of your guests will be playing at a gaming table during any given period of time during your party. Therefore, if you are planning a party with 200 guests it is typical to provide enough gaming tables to support between 130 and 150 players. Additionally, you need to consider the types of gaming tables your guests would like at your party. Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, and Texas Hold’em are the 4 most popular casino games. Dealers Choice Casinos offers a variety of specialty games such as Horseracing. To see a complete list of games offered by Dealers Choice Casinos click here.
Space Required
Dealers Choice Casinos will gladly visit your party location during the planning stages to determine the number of tables and layout of the tables given the allotted space.
Time needed for the event
A typical Casino Party lasts approximately 4 hours, but we would be happy to tailor it to fit your needs. Usually, the gaming tables are open for a 3 hour period. Normally, a half hour prior to the tables opening is designated for the guests to socialize with one another. At the start of the gaming event, the dealers can provide instructions to those guests interested in learning how to play any of the games. (See Playing the Games for the rules and strategies for games offered by Dealers Choice Casinos.) After the gaming tables close, anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour is necessary for the host or organizer to distribute the event’s prizes and awards.
The night of the Event
Upon arrival each guest receives a predetermined amount of “Fun Bucks”, typically $500 – $1000. The “Fun Bucks” can be exchanged at any of the gaming tables for casino chips. Guests play at the gaming tables for the allotted period of time of your event. During the evening, guests may optionally be given/purchase additional “Fun Bucks” if available. At the conclusion of the gaming portion of the party, guests will redeem (e.g. “cash in”) all remaining Fun Bucks and casino chips for vouchers. Prizes and awards are distributed either by raffle or auction by the customer. Dealers Choice Casinos can not assist with handing out any prizes at the event.
Casino parties are an excellent way for non-profit organizations to generate revenue. For more details click on the Dealers Choice Casinos fundraising ideas link.
It is left to the host/organizer to supply the awards and prizes for the event. The Dealers Choice Casino Staff will be happy to assist in providing information for distribution but can not assist with the distribution of the prizes given out either by raffle, auction, or other means.
At Dealers Choice Casinos we understand expenses are always a major consideration with anyone planning an event, regardless of whether it is a private party for 30 friends or a fundraiser for 200 or more guests. We share those concerns and have priced our services accordingly to give you the best possible price available. The staff at Dealers Choice Casinos would be happy to discuss other various ways to provide you with a fun filled night of casino action at a price that will fit within your budget.
Dealers Choice Casinos provides professionally dressed and trained dealers for all gaming events. However, you are welcome to supply your own dealers for blackjack and other games to reduce the price of your event.
Event Packages
Listed below are some common Party Packages. This list is only used to provide an idea for the number of tables and types of games that could be used based on the number of guests expected at the event.
Dealers Choice Casinos will be happy to customize any party to meet your needs. Please contact us for price quotes on any of the packages…or make up a package of your own!
Package 1.
Party for 50 Guests – package allows for up to 34 simultaneous players.
2 Blackjack tables
1 Craps (8 ft.) table
1 Roulette table
Package 2.
Party for 70 Guests – package allows for 49 simultaneous players.
3 Blackjack tables
1 Craps (8 ft.) table
1 Roulette table
1 Texas Hold’em table
Package 3.
Party for 90 Guests – Allows for 60 simultaneous players.
4 Blackjack or Specialty tables
1 Craps (10 ft.) table
1 Roulette table
1 Texas Hold’em
Package 4.
Party for 130 Guests – Allows for 90 simultaneous players.
6 Blackjack or Specialty tables
1 Craps (10 ft.) table
1 Roulette table
2 Texas Hold’em tables
1 Casino Supervisor
Package 5.
Party for 180 Guests – Allows for 125 simultaneous players.
9 Blackjack or Specialty tables
1 Craps (10 ft.) table
1 Roulette table
2 Texas Hold’em table
1 Big Money Wheel
1 Casino Supervisor
Package 6.
Party for 280 Guests – Allows for 180 simultaneous players.
12 Blackjack or Specialty tables
2 Craps (10 ft.) tables
1 Double Roulette table
3 Texas Hold’em table
1 Big Money Wheel
1 Casino Supervisor
Package 7.
Any package above with Horseracing. Horseracing can accommodate 20 or more players at a time.
- Prices include dealers and all setup and take down charges.
- An additional travel charge may apply based on the event location.
Dealers Choice Casinos serving the entire Washington, DC Metro and Richmond, Virginia areas.
Contact us and we will be happy to discuss the details on planning an exciting night of Casino fun for your next party or fundraiser. Contact Us Today for a quote on any of the packages!
Washington, DC Metro Area – (301) 648-6030
Richmond, Virginia Area – (804) 747-9109
Dealers Choice Casinos Serves the entire Baltimore,
Washington DC Metro and Richmond, Virginia areas including:
Washington DC, Montgomery County, Maryland, Northern VA, Prince Georges County, Frederick, Frederick County, Washington County, Howard County, Carroll County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Northern Virginia, Richmond, Mechanicsville, Glen Allen, Midlothian, Petersburg,
Tapahanock, Fredericksburg, Williamsburg and Charlottesville.
Maryland Monte Carlo Parties
Richmond Monte Carlo Parties
Northern Virginia Monte Carlo Parties
Baltimore Monte Carlo Parties
Washington DC Monte Carlo Parties
Montgomery County Monte Carlo Parties
Virginia Monte Carlo Parties